Minister for Planning Pru Goward , yesterday released the NSW Government’s Plan for Growing Sydney, cementing Parramatta's role as a second CBD. “It is time to take action to realise the community’s ambition for the greatest city in the world – and a Plan for Growing Sydney is the roadmap.” Ms Goward said.
Some of the Plan’s key actions include:
• Shifting the city’s gravity from east to west by establishing Parramatta as a major CBD, alongside the Sydney CBD, for jobs and world-class shopping and entertainment
• Creating vibrant new neighbourhoods with access to local jobs and first-class local amenities by renewing the area between Greater Parramatta and the Olympic Peninsula
• Delivering the Sydney Green Grid project to link open space across the Greater Metropolitan area
• Transforming Western Sydney by delivering more jobs closer to home, including confirming Penrith, Campbelltown and Liverpool as Regional City CentresMs Goward said the Plan was the product of extensive community consultation and would shape the city’s future. Ms Goward said the Plan includes 59 specific actions to deliver, many of which will be implemented by the Greater Sydney Commission over time.“This is different to other plans – it is measurable, it is deliverable and there is unprecedented opportunity for the community to get involved,” Ms Goward said. “We’ll take it step-by-step. The differences people will see will be gradual and unfold over time, but we’re getting the ball rolling with an injection of $6.5 million to start work and to establish the Greater Sydney Commission over the next six months.
“We have also started work on delivering more jobs for Western Sydney by locking away land around the Commonwealth’s second airport for employment, backed by the $200 million Western Sydney upgrade package.”
As part of the State Infrastructure Strategy, Western Sydney is also set to benefit from an infrastructure boost to get the region moving.
This includes:
• An extra $600 million for the Parramatta Light Rail Project
• $1 billion to upgrade Sydney’s existing rail network – including the Western Sydney Rail Upgrade Program
• A share of $7 billion to deliver the Rapid Transit program
• A share of $300 million to upgrade Pinch Points to get traffic moving in Western Sydney